Azad Center, (16/A) 55, Purana Paltan, Dhaka-1000
- 01711483452

About Us

Fish Farm Owners Association Bangladesh (FOAB)

Profile of Organization

The Fish Farm Owners Association Bangladesh (FOAB) this association working on behalf of fish industry in Bangladesh. The FOAB represents fish-producers in addition wide range of supporting companies and organizations. FOAB is active organization devoting it entire efforts toward these professional, ethical, economic and social aspects of supporting the fish producers. It functions as watchdog and spokesperson for Bangladeshi fish-farmers. The FOAB defends and protects the fish industry in Local and National levels. Established in 2013, there FOAB has adapted numerous changes seen in fish production and, in line with the expectations of society, provides transparent information concerning the activities and developments of Fishery Sector.

The FOAB is run professionals for professionals, meaning that members are active in fish-farming and are very much aware of main issues concerning the aquaculture and it development. Day by day the members of association are growing.

Since it establishment in 2013, the association has provided supports to fish-farmers and other members, by initiating and coordinating world-class freshwater aquaculture, providing training, encouraging investment and providing strong, unified voice to address sustainable development and growth the fishery sector of Bangladesh.

The purpose of association is bring together the fish farm owners/fish producers of Bangladesh under the same umbrella to save their rights, to explore their challenges through interactions and to flourish the aquaculture system in Bangladesh.

Fish Farm Owners Association Bangladesh (FOAB) is proud member at Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI), Fishery Products Business Promotion Council (FPBPC) under the Ministry of Commerce, People’s Republic of Bangladesh and Agro-Food Industry Skill Council (ISC).

Major Objectives of the Association

  • To flourish the Aquaculture system in Bangladesh and encourage the young generation and women to involved this sector;
  • To build effective structures and relationships that support sustainable growth of fishery sector;
  • To support the vendors, depo bulk seller, agents and related stakeholders by providing information as well as necessary advice and maintain coordination among them;
  • To set up permanent workplace for members related the fishery sector;
  • To establish and maintain appropriate research center and specialist section structure to meet the overall needs of local, specialist and related stakeholders this sector;
  • To conduct scientific research and search for technological/other supports are industry-driven and ensures the sustainability of innovative aquaculture industry;
  • To arrange national symposium to share farmers’ experiences in overcoming constraints in fish farming practice the transition from subsistence to viable market-oriented and commercial enterprises;
  • To promote collaboration among stakeholders in aquaculture sector to exchange information on status & local innovations to overcome challenges faced by farmers and those involved in aquaculture value chain as well as enhance the sustainable development;
  • To increase productivity and efficiency the benefit of shareholders and introduce new products and further strengthen our leading position;
  • To lay emphasis on vertical integration of production & to achieve added value and to maintain environmental sustainability focusing the relevant targets of SDGs;
  • To establish long-term planning for benefit the consumers, stakeholders and our personnel through setting business plan and long-term goals;
  • To successfully overcome the challenges to meet the demands of domestic and global market;
  • To cooperate with other institutions and associations in order to achieve common goals;
  • To establish Fish hospital in collaboration with national and international organizations: and
  • Provide regular advocacy and raise voice to influence the Government policy in non-political way, notably by contributing independent expertise to government consultation exercises regarding the sector.

Activities of Association

Major activities of FOAB include:

  • Maintain position in fish health initiatives that support the production of safe and high quality farmed fish;
  • Increase the positive awareness of Bangladesh’s fish farming industry;
  • Assure pro-active position the sector in front of relevant authorities;
  • Provide accurate information and sound rationale to relevant decision makers;
  • Develop the structure and operations required for representation of dynamic and visible sector;
  • Provide necessary training/advice to fish-farmers;
  • Provide value to members as strong representative organization managed effectively and efficiently;
  • Represent the members in consultations with regulators and other stakeholders. The FOAB fully supports fact-based, effective, and efficient regulations. The FOAB is committed to maintaining aquaculture right;
  • Maintain networking and knowledge sharing opportunities through industry meetings, seminars, workshops and annual reports; and
  • Host or coordinate farm tours for government officials, students, researchers, academicians, international stakeholders, cottage groups, and other interested people.

Initiatives of FOAB – At a Glance

Fishery Sector of Bangladesh and Role of FOAB

Bangladesh is rich in fishery resources, including 260 freshwater fish species, 475 marine fish species, 24 freshwater shrimp species, 36 marine shrimp species, and other important species. Fish and fishery products are main protein source of Bangladesh. More than 17 million people depend on fisheries sector for their livelihood by fishing, fish farming, fish handling, processing etc. According to report published by the Department of Fisheries, in 2015, the total number of employed (full-time & part-time) in this sector is about 17.80 million; about 11 % of total population. Out of 17.80 million women employment is 1.40 million, which is about 8.5% of fisheries sector employment.

Bangladesh Finance Quota-2016-Bulletin includes the information that country GDP-3.65% comes from the country’s own production and agriculture, where one fourth ( 23.81% ) comes from fishery sector. Shrimp, crab including catfish all kinds of fish included in sector.

The mandates of Fish Farm Owners Association Bangladesh is take necessary steps for socio-economic development the fish-farmers and to conduct training programmes, seminars, workshops and roundtable discussions to identify the challenges towards the development of aquaculture and role of public-private entities to develop the fishery sector of Bangladesh. The FOAB continuously supports and promotes the responsible development of Bangladesh’s aquaculture sector through diversified support actions. Focused on fish farming, the FOAB represents range of different farmed species.

According to state of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2014, Bangladesh continues the fourth largest fish producer in world. The fishery sector is facing some major challenges and are negatively affecting the production of fish. Over the last couple of decades, Bangladesh is losing its opportunity to grab larger market share in EU due lack of efforts to diversify its export basket.

The Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock may hold multi-stakeholders’ meeting regularly to discuss as improve production of fishes and solving the financial crisis in sector. The meeting also could discuss as semi-intensive shrimp culture can spread among the farmers across the country as project has seen success in Cox’s Bazar area. In addition to identifying and finding the lapse and lacuna of proper shrimp and fish cultivation practice, effective strategy and awareness development among the stakeholders as well as address national and inter criticism may keep this sector stable and sustainably developed.

In order to identify the challenges and resolve those collaborative and participatory researchers are needed for introducing knowledge-based fundamental research and technology generation.

As community-based organization, the FOAB has few limitations to fulfill it goal alone. To achieve the objectives the sustainable development of Bangladesh and enhancement the Fishery sector, the Fish Farm Owners Association Bangladesh expects supports and initiatives for collaboration with the national and international organizations.

For more details, Contact:

  1. Molla Sumsur Rahman (Shahin)
    Fish Farm Owners Association Bangladesh
    Cell: 01711483452, E-mail:
  1. Dr. Nitta Nanda Dash
    Freedom Fighter
    Honarary Chief Technical Advisor
    Fish Farm Owners Association Bangladesh
    Cell: 01718-445317

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